
Women’s Rights

“We support federal protections for the right to choose. No judge or public official should come between any American Citizen and their healthcare decisions.”
- Ike McCorkle

Protections for all healthcare decisions, especially reproductive healthcare decisions that ensure that medical choices are made by doctors and patients - not by judges or public officials - are desperately needed at the federal level.

In Congress, Ike will support initiatives that:

  • Narrow the gender pay gap
  • Help women pay for and access higher education
  • Guarantee privacy to women and their doctors in all medical care decisions
  • Support Title X family planning decisions
  • Reduce discrimination in academic institutions and the workplace, including upholding Title IX sexual harassment policies

Ike understands how important other quality-of-life issues are, especially for women in rural Colorado. Medical providers are in short supply in much of our rural district and hospitals are struggling to keep up with increasing costs. Ike will seek out new and innovative ideas to attract and keep medical providers in Eastern Colorado.

Additionally, Ike supports economic development proposals designed to promote small business and mobile healthcare unit development that can cultivate additional income and resources in Eastern Colorado.

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