
Ensuring Our Security

A Vision for

American Security

Our national security policy platform is built upon the principles of democracy, responsible governance, and environmental stewardship. In a world where threats to security are diverse and ever-evolving, we must addresses not only traditional geopolitical challenges but also domestic and environmental issues that directly impact our national well-being.

Supporting Worldwide Democracy Addressing Threats to Democratic Institutions

Globally, democratic institutions face unprecedented challenges from autocratic forces. The erosion of democratic norms in various regions, including the ongoing aggression against Ukraine, demands a robust response to support and reinforce democratic institutions.


I am dedicated to taking practical and decisive actions to counter threats to democracy, including:

Engaging in diplomatic and economic efforts to support nations under threat.


Providing military assistance under NATO's Article 5, when necessary, to defend democracy.


Standing in solidarity with nations like Ukraine, offering unwavering support to uphold their sovereignty and democratic principles.

Gun Violence

I am a strong supporter of the second amendment, but I'm also a father of a child who was in class during a school shooting. As responsible gun owners, we have a responsibility to support proactive legislative measures to bolster gun safety. In congress, I will support measures including comprehensive universal background checks, waiting periods, and exclusions related to mental health and domestic violence. My proposal for the National Safe Storage Act seeks to provide subsidized biometric-capable gun safes, thereby reducing accidental firearm injuries and preventing unauthorized access, particularly among adolescents.


Additionally, I emphasize the necessity for federal standards and education in firearm handling and ownership. The establishment of the Federal Training Standards Act will define federal training, qualification, and proficiency standards for firearms transport, storage, and use. I endorse initiatives such as the Concealed Carry Licensure Standards Act and the Semi-Automatic Weapons Training Act to ensure individuals seeking concealed carry licenses undergo thorough education, training, and qualification courses.


Effective enforcement of existing laws, standardized federal regulations, and a focus on practical and appealing gun legislation are vital components of my approach to promote responsible firearm ownership and enhance public safety.

Acknowledging Climate Change as a Security Threat

The impact of climate change on national security is undeniable, contributing to global instability and posing risks to our infrastructure. My policy recognizes the need for a shift from adaptation to active prevention and mitigation of climate change effects.

A Unified Strategy for National Security

My vision for national security encompasses the defense of democratic values, the promotion of responsible gun ownership, and a proactive approach to climate change. By addressing these critical issues with comprehensive and forward-thinking policies, we can ensure a safer, more sustainable future for the United States and the global community.

Together, let's commit to a policy platform that not only responds to immediate threats but also lays the groundwork for long-term security and prosperity. My dedication to democracy, safety, and environmental responsibility will guide our nation through the challenges of the 21st century, fostering a world where peace, liberty, and sustainability prevail.

The time to act is now. Confronting the economic disparities that plague our nation is essential for the creation of a more just and inclusive society.

Will you stand with me and fight for a strengthened economy?