The most effective way to improve our economy, create jobs, save the environment and our kids’ future is to rapidly transition our energy industry from any and all fossil fuels to clean renewables.
We need to:
- Enact Federal laws that require that all new construction to include solar of at least 120% of estimated use.
- Ensure that all new energy infrastructure installations be made in the renewable sector to accelerate transition and job creation.
- Build and maintain a sustainable and renewable energy infrastructure to provide our citizens with jobs, livable wages, and benefits.
- Provide job training to transition Colorado’s hard working oil and gas workers into the new green energy economy.
- Resurrect the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) so we can begin national reforestation, forest protection, and sustainable agricultural programs to restore habitat, protect watersheds, and sequester carbon from the atmosphere.
- Look beyond our borders to our oceans where seaweed and kelp farming can reduce ocean acidity and help feed our cattle while reducing their methane emissions—a potent greenhouse gas.
- Develop a ground-based, high-speed 5G communications network to increase the speed at which we do business throughout the country, including hard-to-reach rural areas so people can work and thrive where they want to live.
- We will use Federal, State, corporate and individual investment, tax incentive, and subsidised transfers in order to fund infrastructure projects. We will work with our colleges and universities, the Governor’s office, and private corporate cooperative development to move the state towards developing a zero-carbon electrical grid by 2040.
Transitioning our energy infrastructure to renewable resource technologies such as solar, concentrated solar, wind, geothermal, atmospheric water production, and solar pump storage––also known as hydroelectric reservoir storage––will substantially increase the availability of good jobs and benefits to our economy in CD4.