
Statement Regarding the Verdict on Donald J. Trump

The past eight years have laid bare the critical vulnerabilities of our constitutional democracy. The dangers posed to the integrity of the Federal Republic have never in our lifetimes been as omnipresent as they are today. While our Republic’s foundations, the court’s integrity, and the rule of law have been threatened and dismantled in many ways during the previous administration, we remain a nation of laws and order! 

While encouraged by the just and prudent verdict, I remain deeply concerned for the Constitutional integrity of the Representative Government that I serve and swore to defend. The rights and liberties we all cherish are still threatened by the forces that the previous administration and President have unleashed. Only American unity can ensure the survival of our nation.

Celebrate this win for the Democratic Republic but remain vigilant. There is much work left to do.

The threats to women’s rights and to our children’s future in a legitimate democracy remain. The only way to ensure the continued existence of the liberties we cherish is to elect the strongest and most honest majority in American History. We must expand the Court, end Citizens United, restore and expand women’s rights, abolish corruption from Congress, and ensure that every American is equitable under the law.

The hard work and defense of democracy has just begun and the threat to our liberty, freedoms, and the Western Alliance is still very real. Thank God the judicial system is still willing to hold a former president accountable under the law.

Now it is up to us, to you and me to remain vigilant and to do our part this November. Let’s take back the Congressional majority, and ensure that our posterity has a functional Congress and government that they can trust! We owe it to all those who have given their lives to ensure the Republic endures and we owe it to our children to remain vigilant and continue the FIGHT!

Constitution, Country, Corps, Family… in that order!


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