
Promoting Water Stewardship: Sustainable Water Management for a Resilient Future


Water weaves the web that ties the west together. It is our most critical natural resource and every community depends on it.

Water covers 70% of the globe but usable fresh water makes up only 3% of the world’s supply and two thirds of that is trapped in glaciers and ice.

When water supplies are limited and poorly managed, both ecosystems and people suffer. Efficient and effective water management is critical for a sustainable future.

Governments, businesses, NGO’s and local communities are crucial players in implementing sustainable use models that ensure that there are sufficient in-stream flows for people and other freshwater species.

Compartmentalized and capped water storage, and water production technologies for municipalities are critical for communities with scarcity and contaminated sources.

Efficient agricultural practices are more labor and equipment intensive but can reduce water use by a staggering degree allowing natural watersheds and agriculture to retain more.

  2. Pioneer water production infrastructure and technologies.
  3. Piping, production, and compartmentalized storage for every municipality.
  4. Establish capped storage capacity and Army Corps of Engineers plans to recharge dwindling aquifers like the Agallah.
  5. Establishing guidelines, protecting watersheds, and adapting practices and altering crops to account for dryer climate.
  6. Make utilities federally regulated industries with national standards and contamination protocols.
  7. Protect wetlands and natural watersheds and aquifers while adapting to climate change by reducing our dependence on changing precipitation patterns.

At the global level, with our partners we will work on projects to establish an international water stewardship standard through the Alliance for Water Stewardship.

We also support the use of water footprinting tools with the Water Footprint Network to help communities and organizations promote international initiatives on sustainable uses and storage with the United Nations.
Mandate water smart agricultural practices and smart use standards for our municipalities.

Conduct studies that measure water use, natural water shed impacts while taking active measures to ensure infrastructural impact mitigation strategies are employed.

Account for river basin and natural water shed impacts and demonstrate infrastructure management solutions.
Partner with businesses and industries to identify water risks and take advantage of opportunities to enhance efficiency and drought durability.

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